By DTD Studio – Eco friendly construction
Location : Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Prevailing Wind Direction : North-East to South-West and Vice versa
Terrain : Flat and Residual Lime soil
FOUNDATION : Random rubble Foundation
WALLS : Rammed Earth Wall system
ROOF : Madras Terrace Roof, Pan Tile roof FLOOR :Lime – Oxide ( Yellow, Red & Black)
PLASTER : Lime + Admixtures, Mud plaster
DOORS & WINDOWS : Reclaimed Teak, Illupai
SWITCH BOARDS : Reclaimed wood
There is too much of hard Asphalt in the road. A local road, which only gives access to buildings, needs a few stones for the wheels of the car, nothing more. Most of it can be still green. Only the area accessed by wheels have been paved.Except the space for drive way, even the car park is studded with green cover.
The building is placed along North-South direction to prevent from the harsh sunlight and is oriented along the wind directions.
Stack effect and Cross ventilation are the major techniques followed.
A water body along the wind direction facilitates cool air through evaporative cooling technique and also a sit out to enjoy the outdoor garden and the warmth of the atmosphere outside.
In a house for a small family, it is the relationship between children and adults which is most critical.
Therefore: Give the house three distinct parts: a realm for parents, a realm for the children, and a common area. Conceive these three realms as roughly similar in size, with the commons the largest.
There is a small play area provided. It is positioned in such a way that the elders can keep a watch over the child but still can be let out free. It also brings in the relationship between the garden and the child, to know more about the Nature and the environment rather sticking to the gadgets in today’s world. (to know more about the importance of Earth and Mud in a childhood, do read on the topics.
The green cover is almost 75 % and the built-up area is 25%
A separate connection for Bio-gas and easy setup into the Kitchen.
Planned accordingly to Regional architecture. Inbuilt brick furniture’s are provided to act in the way of minimalism.
Indoor and Outdoor connections are blended through the transitional spaces like Verandah, Thinnai, Outdoor seating’s and play areas with swings etc., which are indulged are planned accordingly.
The bore well is surrounded by vegetative cover, supporting recharge of the well.
Outdoor Spaces that are merely “left over” in-between building’s will, in general not be used. A connection between outdoor and indoor and continuous visual connectivity will help in to bring in the process of blending the both.
Do not place the garden fully in front nor fully at the back. Instead place in some kind of half-way position, side by side, with the house, to make it more connecting with the house and also to see a temperature difference during hot days of the year.
Thinnai and verandah spaces are provided for outdoor activities like reading, relaxing, an outdoor dining and other activities. Enclosing oneself in a closed atmosphere causes cognitive disturbances.
Paved pathway can be done using rough broken, quarry stones. Rough outdoor stone flooring helps to act as pressure points to the foot sole facilitating goodness to one’s health .
Homes with a graceful transition in-between building between the street and the inside, are more tranquil than those which directly open directly off the street. A walk way across a garden and a water body is provided for a serene environment.