A-Frame – Tool for conserving soil and water in gradient farmlands

A-Frame - Tool for conserving soil and water in gradient farmlands
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A-Frame Tool for conserving soil and water.
This is the first tool used for conserving soil and water in gradient farmlands.

To mark the contour of the gradient land, we should know where to make bunds / barriers and ditches. For that, we need “A” Frame. This is a simple but effective tool.

When contour bunds are made in the gradient farmlands, not a single drop of rain water will go away from the land and not a single particle of soil is eroded from the land.

Materials required to make A – Frame:

• Hard Bamboo sticks: 7 ft length – 2 numbers and
* Hard bamboo stick : 3.5 ft length – 1 no
* Thread to tie the edges of bamboo sticks
* Marker pet
* Any heavy object or a stone/rock

“A” Frame can be made using local materials. “A” Frame made out of sticks or bamboos are better and economical compared to those “A” Frames made out of boards and nuts.

A – Frame for contour bunds which help in conserving soil and water.

– To locate the path of the contour lines, ” A – Frame ” tool is very useful. . .
– To control Soil erosion and to increase amount of water the soil can hold, contour bunds are essential for the gradient land.

– These contour bunds conserve top soil and improve productivity.
– They can be used both on cultivated and uncultivated land. 
– Farmers can build contour bunds themselves without outside help.

Steps for using A-Frame